Wednesday, June 19, 2019

job application for the post of english teacher

“Job application
For the post
Of English
         the principal
Bishal Nepal school
New samara colony
Sub:-application for post of English teacher.
Respected sir,
                            Being widely given to the understand by advertisement as appeared in the Kathmandu daily post press in yesterday issue. I  came to know that the post of English teacher has fallen vaccant .since, I met the required qualification and expected experience and training as well, I would like to place my application for the same thinking as a right candidate.
                           Regarding my qualification I have completed SLC in 2005 in distinction with aggregate 81% marks.I completed intermediate (+1) in 2008 with distinction in English.similarly,I did Bachelar of business studies(BBS) in 2012 from Tribhuwan University having distinction marks in subject like English.
                                                     So,for my practical experience is concerned, I  have been working as an English teacher at simara college since march 2014.
                                                          At present, I am 25 years of age with a sound health .I always wish to involve in school work. The enclosed copies of my testimonials(CV) will show you my other training and experience .for further information you can simply contacts with the principal of samara college concern biswat gupta on 9814325640.
       It will be great fortune for me if I am able to get the opportunity to serve your school with the best of my ability .I wait your favorable response.
Yours faithfully
Approved by

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