Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Essay writing "Important of education"

Important of Education

Education is the act of learning around us.It is the way of passing knowledge,skill or abilities from one person to another.As we get education from school ,home,college,universities etc,it has become a part of our life.Education is also known as the third eyes of human being which can't be stolen by thief or can't be destroyed by fire.It moves people toward the brightness from the darkness.It is also known as the most powerfull weapon which people can used to change the world. 
In this 21st century,we can't be anything else without education.Education is the most important factor for human being.It leads the country on the path of development by providing manpowerskills such as docter,pilot,engineer,nurse, mechanic etc. This manpower skills make a person better lifestyle and brings some positive changes.
If a person is not educated then it can't get job opportunity.But the person who is educated then he/she can easily get job without any problems.It has also help us to be a good citizen ,to be honest and to work hardly.It also help us to enhance our creativity.It help us to easily understand and deal with any problem.It help us to be a good challenger.
It also help us to know what is right and what is wrong.The people who are not educated, they are the burden of the world.They cannot understand what is right or wrong. They involved is social problems like rape,murder,thief,gang fight etc.which create obstacle in the development of country.They always think negative toward the country.But the people who are educated,they are the future of country.They can lead the country on path of development.
Thus,education has played a important role in our life.It is the most important things in human life. 

essay writing(my school)

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